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Erik A. SundénHeidelBAER NewsInfoInterviewsNewsour game designers

INTERVIEW: Erik Andersson Sundén
Erik Andersson Sundén, born 1979 in Sweden, is an applied nuclear physicist and game designer. He has played and made...
Czech Games Edition News EUNews

Starship Captains wanted! New CGE title to be released in autumn 2022
Hailing all Starship Captains! We’re excited to announce this new euro-style action selection and engine building game coming from CGE...

German version of QUEST to be released September 2022
New in German, the card game QUEST will be released at the end of September 2022. In the new deduction...
CommunityHeidelBAER NewsNews

Our Easter Raffle 2022
In this year’s Easter raffle, the Easter Bunny has hidden our games in photos. These games must now be discovered...
Czech Games Edition News EUFast 'n' FunNewsWide universe

Keep on trucking: Galaxy Trucker Second editions first expansion announced
Keep on trucking with this new expansion for the relaunched version of Galaxy Trucker. With new ship classes, new adventure...
Horrible Guild NewsNews

Dungeon Fighter – German second editon released
The new basic game Dungeon Fighter- Second Edition is intended for newcomers to the Dungeon Fighter world. After a pandemic-related...
HeidelBAER NewsNews

Good things come in threes: HeidelBÄR Games novelties announced!
HeidelBÄR Games card game novelties HUNGRY MONKEY, SWEET&SPICY and ANIMAL announced for spring 2022! HeidelBÄR Games has announced three new...