All News (chronological)
CGE’s Arnak wins most prestigious German award!
The successful German edition of Lost ruins of Arnak by Czech Games Edition wins one of the most prestigious audience...
Tabletop Gaming Advent Calendar 2021
The Tabletop Gaming advent calender is back in 2021. It’s filled with a bunch of board games from us, Portal...
Hottest graphic honoured by Graf Ludo
Our hottest card game Spicy is nominated for the prestigious Graf Ludo 2021 game graphics award! The title is among the...
Wordsmith discovers the world
The Wordsmith word game was released in the fall 2019 and has since then been released in 6 countries and...
We need your opinion!
Until 03.09.2021 you will find a new survey about our website on our participation portal. We will raffle 3 game...
Spicy is taking over the world!
The bluffing card game Spicy, released in 2020, has already learnt 11 languages and travelled to 15 countries on its...
Decipher explores the world
Our 2019 published word guessing game Decipher is already available in 7 languages and 12 countries. The innovative board game...