Pick a Pig
While Farmer Henry enjoys the completion of his great new farm extension with a good bottle of red wine, the animals in the barn don’t miss the chance to have a lively party as well. Mischievous as they are, they manage to form groups – the bacon belly band of pigs is born!
Put your band together, but make sure that the pigs also fit together and be quick! Because be careful: if you make a mistake, you lose all the cards collected in the round!
You can also combine the game with Pick a Dog to play with 8 people.
Game preparation
With the command “GO”, all players reveal their starting card at the same time. Then, simultaneously and as quickly as possible, they try to place a matching card from the center of the table onto their own starting card with one hand. However, this card may only differ from the player’s own card in one or no
from their own card. There are five characteristics of the animal on each card:
-one arm/two arms
-with/without sunglasses
-with/without popcorn
After a player has placed a card from the card field in the center of the table on his starting card, he immediately looks for another card. This card may only differ in one or none of its characteristics from the card that was last placed on top.
on top. In this way, all players collect cards as quickly as possible and form their own pile until one player feels that there is no more matching card for him. In this case, he may shout “stop” loudly and all players must immediately stop collecting more cards. Now the players’ cards are checked.
More games from the series
Grab as many cards as fast as you can. But only if they differ from your top card in only ONE point, or are the same. If there are no correct cards left for you, call STOP and end the round with a bonus. But be careful: if you make a mistake, you lose all the cards collected in the round!
You can also combine the game with Pick a Pig to play with 8 people.
Pick a Seal is a fast and turbulent card game for the whole family. Be quick and grab the right seal before someone else does.
To win, you have to collect the most seals. You can also combine the game with Pick a Polar Bear to play with 8 people.
Pick a Polar Bear is a fast and turbulent card fun for the whole family. Be quick and grab the right polar bear before someone else does.
To win, you have to collect the most polar bears. You can also combine the game with Pick a Seal to play with 8 people.
product details
Age: | 8 |
Duration: | 15 |
Players: | 1–5 |
Categorie: | family and friends |
THEMe: | reaction game |
AUThors: | Torsten Landsvogt |
Language: | German, English, Chinese |
Year: | 2012 |
Rules: | tba |
Game News

Makes the animals happy – Super Kawaii Pets available now