All news (chronological)

HeidelBÄR makes it debut at GenCon55
In 2022 the GenCon in Indianapolis, USA will take place for the 55th time and we will be there for...
Erik A. SundénHeidelBAER-NewsInfoInterviewsNewsOur Game Designers

INTERVIEW: Erik Andersson Sundén
Erik Andersson Sundén, born 1979 in Sweden, is an applied nuclear physicist and game designer. He has played and made...

GenCon55 – Looking for demonstrators
HeidelBÄR Games (of Germany) HeidelBÄR Games is a proud first-time exhibitor at GenCon55 and happy to be able to take...

Good things come in threes: HeidelBÄR card games 2022 announced!
(26. Jan. 2022/update June 2022) HeidelBÄR Games card game novelties HUNGRY MONKEY, SWEET&SPICY and ANIMAL announced for 2022 – European...

During our Christmas-Culinary-Event, we received a lot of creative bear-themed desserts. Many thanks to all participants! For the production of...
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Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!
We wish you all a Merry Christmas and restful days! Another not normal year, which was marked by numerous restrictions,...