Snatch It!


Snatch It!

Once upon a time there was a pond that hummed and buzzed happily. But then the frogs suddenly appeared. They greedily filled their mouths with everything within reach of their tongues. They even snatched their prey from the mouths of the others. Then, just as suddenly, calm returned. The great snapping was over. Fully eaten frogs floated contentedly on the water. But every now and then a strange noise could be heard that sounded as if something was bursting somewhere.

What is Snatch It?

Snatch It! is a family game for 3–6 people where the aim is to get as much food as possible. Become a hungry frog and grab the tastiest cards from the pond.

How to play Snatch It!?

Protect your well-filled piles from the other greedy frogs who keep trying to snatch them away from you. Only those who collect their piles before they burst will not end up with an empty stomach.

Simple rules, excellent artwork and design, high replay value.

Product Details

Age: 8+
Duration: 20
Players: 3-6
Category: familygame
Topic: Animals, Frogs
Designer: Christwart Conrad
Artist: Gathuldis
Language: English
Release: 2024
Rules: (Snatch it – PDF)

Trees for the Future

With Trees for the Future we have found a competent partner in terms of sustainable commitment, which we support wholeheartedly withe the sales of Snatch It!: We are very happy to have a tree planted for each Snatch It! game sold!! Since trees are not everything, the further work of “Trees for the future” also refers to supporting regionally based families who live from agriculture with knowledge and tools. The organization’s smart approach is called “There is no one-size-fits-all solution.” It therefore works with local communities to see what help is needed to move toward more sustainable agriculture. Like the Heidelberger Spieleverlag, the organization was founded in 1989 and works primarily in the sub-Saharan regions of Africa. Detailed information is available at:



Our games at Gen Con 2024!

Once again, HeidelBÄR Games will be at this year’s Gen Con in Indianapolis. You can find our games at Rooms 235-239 of our close partner and US-distributor Czech...

Pre-Order Snatch It! for Gen Con Pickup now!

Gen Con will take place from August, 1st – 4th, and you can now pre-order our new card game Snatch It! ($15) for Gen Con pickup via our...


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Once again, HeidelBÄR Games will be at this year’s Gen Con in Indianapolis. You can find our games at Rooms 235-239 of our close partner and US-distributor Czech...


All GamesAnnounced Games USFamily & FriendsGames

Snatch It!

Once upon a time there was a pond that hummed and buzzed happily. But then the frogs suddenly appeared. They greedily filled their mouths with everything within reach...