HeidelBAER Games

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Time Division Update

Important news for time travelers. As announced in our article...
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Preview of Spiel’23

In two months it’s that time again and Spiel’23 will...

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Release of Time Division

The battle for the timelines begins now! Our new connoisseur...
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Want to play with your English speaking friends? These games are all in English language available. You can get them in our onlineshop ! But don’t forget to check your friendly local flagship FLGS store near you, too! You are also welcome to redirect your FLGS to our global distribution partners, you can find on this website too.

The legendary firebird


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GamesHeidelBAER GamesNew

Mü & more

Mü & mehr is a game by Doris Matthäus and Frank Nestel that was first published by Doris & Frank in 1995. HeidelBÄR is...
Family and FriendsGamesHeidelBAER GamesNew

Snatch It!

Once upon a time there was a pond that hummed and buzzed happily. But then the frogs suddenly appeared. They greedily filled their mouths...
GamesHeidelBAER GamesNew

Time Division EN

No one knew when it began, but suddenly two timelines merged. And two time agencies came into being. One thing is clear: both agencies...

Popular games

Fast 'n' FunHeidelBAER GamesRoboter
WELCOME TO THE ROBOT ACTION! Today we witness the most incredible steel gladiators of this year’s Robot Fighting League season in all their glory and magnificence. The battle...
A la carteFood & FeedHeidelBAER Games
A la carte
As everyone knows, too many cooks spoil the broth. In A la carte, players sizzle their own dish while trying to oversalt their wannabe-chef-rivals’ dish. Set your stove...
Fast 'n' FunHeidelBAER GamesMyths & FairytalesRadiant Culture Series
Some say Anansi is a trickster, but he is a spider for sure and sometimes even a man. Let me tell you why he is also known as...
Fast 'n' FunHeidelBAER GamesLetter Piece GamesWord games
Wordsmith is all about discovering words, but instead of whole letters, you just have letter pieces in four different shapes. This brain tickling game for 1 to 4...