EventsHeidelBAER-NewsNews HeidelBÄR Games at the TWITCH Stage, SPIEL Essen 2018 24. October 2018 At SPIEL 2018 there will be a TWITCH stage with a live program at play....
EventsHeidelBAER-NewsNews TAGS Demos at SPIEL Essen 2018 22. October 2018 At SPIEL, Essen, you can playtest TAGS by Spartaco Albertarelli in English or German. Make sure to stop by at hall 1, booth D-101!...
EventsHeidelBAER-NewsNews VOLT Pre-Release at SPIEL Essen 2018 15. October 2018 Finally it’s time: The English VOLT will hit the market at SPIEL Essen!...
News Backlist Spotlight: Erwischt vermischt! 2. October 2018 Looks like everyone is one card short of a full deck!...
HeidelBAER-NewsNews World of VOLT: Tokyo & Volt 25. September 2018 Welcome to Tokyo! Right now, the spectacle begins off the bat, for no visit to Cromeflower Garden would be complete without a fight! Switch...