Author: Anna-Sophie Kuhnt

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Fish & Katz

Designer Benjamin Leung’s game with a playing time of 20 minutes is full of charm and fun altogether: Fish & Katz delivers a fast...
Erik A. SundénHeidelBAER-NewsInfoInterviewsNewsOur Game Designers

INTERVIEW: Erik Andersson Sundén

Erik Andersson Sundén, born 1979 in Sweden, is an applied nuclear physicist and game designer. He has played and made games as long as...
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Hungry Monkey

Hungry Monkey is a card game where the goal is to get rid of your hand cards and collect beans. You have animal cards both...
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Sweet & Spicy

Sweet & Spicy is a bluffing card game for 2-6 players and the kid-friendly variant of Spicy. Instead of Wasabi you can now play with Lemon...