Piece my word together!
This game is all about thinking up clever words that will be hard to decipher and cleverly combining letter pieces to guess secret words.
Decipher is a different kind of word game for 2–4 players.
Players use 4 different letter pieces to create and solve word puzzles. In each round a different player builds a secret word puzzle. The others only know which letter pieces are in the secret word and gather clues and points by asking about where letter pieces go. Can you decipher the secret word? The Letter Piece Game system is a special way to build letters from four different basic shapes.
Product details
age: | 10 |
duration: | 30 |
players: | 2–4 |
category: | Family and Friends |
topic: | Fast'n'Fun, Word Games |
designers: | Greg & Peter Olotka, Bill Eberle |
artists: | Kwanchai Moriya |
languages: | English |
release date: | 2020 |
rules: | Decipher Rules |
DIGITAL: | https://tabletopia.com/games/decipher |
Letter Piece Game Series
The idea for the Letter Piece Game™ system comes from the game designers of Wordsmith, Bill Eberle, Greg Olotka, Peter Olotka, and Jack Kittredge whose credits include Cosmic Encounter, Dune, Hoax and more. Decipher includes the same playful semi-transparent colored plastic letter pieces found in Wordsmith. A special plastic insert turns the game box into a game component.
Artwork zu Decipher
Artwork zu Decipher
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HeidelBÄR Games Advent Calender!
Ho Ho Ho and welcome to this year’s HeidelBÄRen advent calendar! Every day from Wednesday, 1 December until Friday, 24 December, a new door will open, in which many...
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Decipher explores the world
Our 2019 published word guessing game Decipher is already available in 7 languages and 12 countries. The innovative board game Decipher by the authors Bill Eberle, Greg &...
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The HeidelBAER letter piece puzzle summer!
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