Category: Games

Fast 'n' FunHeidelBAER GamesLetter Piece GamesWord games


Wordsmith is all about discovering words, but instead of whole letters, you just have letter pieces in four different shapes. This brain tickling game...
Fast 'n' FunHeidelBAER GamesRoboter


WELCOME TO THE ROBOT ACTION! Today we witness the most incredible steel gladiators of this year’s Robot Fighting League season in all their glory...
Fast 'n' FunHeidelBAER GamesPartyWord games


Everything can be labeled, categorized, sorted by topics, or given a tag. Cities can be big or small, movies can be funny or boring,...
HeidelBAER GamesParty

Karriere Poker

You play your last card with a smile. The boss blanches, because you’ve just secured his job. And, of course, that comes with some...
HistoryHorrible Guild

The King’s Dilemma

You are the representatives of the noble houses in the Council of the Kingdom of Ankist. Together you ensure prosperity and security in your...
Fast 'n' FunHorrible GuildMyths & FairytalesSimilo

Similo: Märchen

What does Alice in Wonderland have to do with Little Red Riding Hood or Snow White?  Are they all girls, or are there other...