HeidelBAER-NewsNews Onlineshop live and to ship internationally 18. March 2020 The HeidelBÄR-Onlineshop opened its doors...
HeidelBAER-NewsNews Colored bases for VOLT – play online@Yucata 17. March 2020 The second edition of Volt, the popular Robot Action Arena game, is now available at HeidelBÄR Games and in stores....
HeidelBAER-NewsNews Hot card game SPICY released! 14. February 2020 Presented to the public at the Nuremberg Toy Fair 2020, the card game SPICY from HeidelBÄR Games was released at the end of February....
EventsHeidelBAER-NewsNews Spielwarenmesse 2020 Nuremberg 28. January 2020 It’s trade show time! From 29 January to 2 February the Spielwarenmesse Nuremberg takes place and of course we HeidelBÄRen will attend the international...
HeidelBAER-NewsNews Hot deluxe: card game SPICY 14. January 2020 What do you get if you combine a card game about chili, wasabi and pepper with big cats and then garnish it with Asian...
EventsHeidelBAER-NewsNewsRaffle UK Games Expo 2020 Street Name Contest 7. January 2020 May 29-31, 2020 – As a first time exhibitor HeidelBÄR GAMES is proud to be chosen as one of the sponsors of UK Games Expo...