Tails on Fire


Tails on Fire

One night, Iguana decided to secretly leave the village and take the fire with him. Iguana had always coveted the fire and now he wanted to have it all to himself, after all, he had guarded it often enough. Iguana took the fire to his hiding place at the entrance of a cave high up near the top of the mountain. When the villagers noticed the theft, they gathered frantically. In the distance, they could see the light of the fire in the sky as they held out in the darkness. Gradually, more and more voices rose up demanding that the fire be taken back. Crow and Toad were the loudest among them. But the people also longed for the fire back. So a plan was made to bring back the fire without being discovered by Iguana. Opossum set out to bring the fire back to the world, tricked Iguana, and ran off with his tail on fire - Tails on Fire. At least that's how the Huichol of Mexico tell it....


Tails on Fire is an interactive card game in which the ever-changing selection of the best three playing cards for a round leads to a permanent dilemma, creating a unique gaming experience. This challenging game with easy-to-learn rules is the smart work of German author Thomas Sellner. Set in a tale of Mexico's indigenous Huichol people, Tails on fire is a fascinating composition of Mexican art, Huichol history, and super cute possums brought to life by Mexican artist Mayra Guadalupe Ornelas Ramos.Zwei Karten


Tails on Fire is a permanent playing card hunt for the next and the hottest fire! Before a round, each player looks at which fire card in which value is to be won in the current display and which fire he might be able to steal from the other players. Accordingly, a player then chooses her 3 hand cards with which she wants to play the current round. In the following game round, the player has to stay permanently in the game by playing a card with a number increased by one. You can sit out and bluff, but whoever remains last in a round of Tails on Fire gets the fire with the last card played and thus the hot points. But watch out, already in the next round someone could take the fire away from you again, if he or she wins a fire with the same card value. Just as the opossum once tricked Iguana, players in Tails on Fire must outwit each other. And not just once, but anew in every round - so it's a matter of being clever and unpredictable!Zwei Karten

Product Details

AGE: 10
CATEGORY: Family and Friends
TOPIC: Animals
DESIGNER: Thomas Sellner
ARTISTS: Mayra Guadalupe Ornelas Ramos
MEDIA: tba

Tails on Fire Backstory

To learn more about the fiery story of the opossums, you can click here to learn all about the animals and the importance of fire to them. This story was invented and retold by the Huicholes (an indigenous folk from Mexico).

Trees for the Future

With "Trees for the future" we have found a competent partner in terms of sustainable commitment, which we support wholeheartedly with the sales of Tails on Fire: We are very happy to have a tree planted for each Tails on Fire game sold! Since trees are not everything, the further work of "Trees for the future" also refers to supporting regionally based families who live from agriculture with knowledge and tools. The organization's smart approach is called "There is no one-size-fits-all solution." It therefore works with local communities to see what help is needed to move toward more sustainable agriculture. Like the Heidelberger Spieleverlag, the organization was founded in 1989 and works primarily in the sub-Saharan regions of Africa. Detailed information is available at: https://trees.org.

Zwei Karten

Zwei Karten

Artwork of Tails on Fire

Artwork of Tails on Fire

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