Category: Games

Der HeidelBÄRFast 'n' FunHeidelBAER GamesWord games

Der Heidelbär

Few suspect that our language is infiltrated by bears. The furry fellows hide in a multitude of innocent-sounding words: Be it in BÄRuf, in...
Fast 'n' FunHeidelBAER GamesLetter Piece GamesWord games


This game is all about thinking up clever words that will be hard to decipher and cleverly combining letter pieces to guess secret words....
Fast 'n' FunHistoryHorrible GuildSimilo

Similo: Geschichte

What does Isaac Newton have to do with Leonardo Da Vinci or Charles Darwin? Are they all boys, or are there other similarities? And...
A la carteFood & FeedHeidelBAER Games

A la carte

As everyone knows, too many cooks spoil the broth. In A la carte, players sizzle their own dish while trying to oversalt their wannabe-chef-rivals’...