HeidelBAER Games

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Fast 'n' FunHeidelBAER GamesRoboter


WELCOME TO THE ROBOT ACTION! Today we witness the most incredible steel gladiators of this year’s Robot Fighting League season in all their glory...
Fast 'n' FunHeidelBAER GamesLetter Piece GamesWord games


Wordsmith is all about discovering words, but instead of whole letters, you just have letter pieces in four different shapes. This brain tickling game...
Publisher Info

Want to play with your English speaking friends? These games are all in English language available. You can get them in our onlineshop ! But don’t forget to check your friendly local flagship FLGS store near you, too! You are also welcome to redirect your FLGS to our global distribution partners, you can find on this website too.

Note: Distribution for Germany, Switzerland and Austria into retail by Heidelberger Spieleverlag (www.heidelberger-spieleverlag.de) only! Check respective publisher accordingly for distribution in your territory.



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