Kutná Hora: the City of Silver
What is KUTNÁ HORA – the city of silver?
Kutná Hora is a historical city building euro game for 2–4 players that features a real-life supply and demand experience where every action you take has an impact on the game’s dynamic economic systems.How to play KUTNÁ HORA – the city of silver?
In each round, players take turns selecting actions from a hand of double-sided cards to engage strategic plans like mining, purchasing plots of land to build on, gaining permits, raising buildings for their affiliated guilds, gaining profit from their production, and of course working towards the construction of Saint Barbara’s Cathedral.Mine ore and smelt it into a fortune of silver for expanding this beautiful, historic city, but take care to balance your personal goal advancement with the need to further the city’s growth. Everything is connected, and sometimes the path to personal victory relies on the prosperity of the many.

age: | 13 |
duration: | 60 |
Player: | 2–4 |
cATEGORy: | |
topic: | Dynamic economy & income, tile placement, area influence, action selection |
designer: | Petr Čáslava, Ondřej Bystroň, Pavel Jarosch |
artists: | Štěpán Drašťák, Radek Boxan, Milan Vavroň, Roman Bednář |
language: | Deutsch |
release Date: | 2023 |
rules: | tba |
Build the cathedral os Saint Barbara
Die asymmetrische Ausrichtung der jeder Person zur Verfügung stehenden Gilden, sorgen für hochgradig interaktive Runden, in denen sich jede Entscheidung auf interessante Weise auf die Wirtschaft und die anderen Personen auswirkt, während ihr Minen ausbaut und eine Infrastruktur auf einem gemeinsamen Spielbrett errichtet.
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