HeidelBÄR Games at Spiel Doch! in Dortmund
SPIEL DOCH! starts in Dortmund on Friday! From April 28 to 30, 2023, Hall 4 of the Westfalenhallen opens its doors to game enthusiasts and game publishers. Over 100 exhibitors and brands will be represented at the fair, so it will be bigger and more extensive than ever before.
We HeidelBÄRen will of course be there with a booth (Hall 4, Booth A.01) on all three days. Together with Heidelberger Spieleverlag we will be represented with our own games and the games of our partners Czech Games Edition, Horrible Guild, MEBO GAMES and Synapses Games.
At our booth you will have the opportunity to test, play and buy our current games.
At the demo tables you can expect a colorful mix of games from us HeidelBÄRen as well as from our partners. Our ErklärBÄRen are looking forward to meeting you! So feel free to come by.
We HeidelBÄRen will also be present on the tournament area (D.13) on all three days. You can look forward to a special Fish & Katz Challenge, because we will have our XXL game with us again and let it be played in the morning. In addition, there will be exciting Tails on Fire Challenges in the afternoon!
- Friday 11 am – 1 pm and 3 pm – 5 pm
- Saturday 11 am – 1 pm and 3 pm – 5 pm
- Sunday 11 am – 1 pm and 4 pm – 5 pm
The SPIEL DOCH! fair will also once again offer the huge supervised play area, where games can also be played. The experience is rounded off by the well-known game lending service, with over 500 titles where you can borrow and play games.
Further information about SPIEL DOCH! can be found here.
Numbers, Data Facts
HeildeBÄR Games (Hall4, Booth A.01 und D.13)
Date :
April 28 – 30, 2023
Opening hours:
Friday & Saturday: 10 am to 7 pm
Sunday: 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Messe Dortmund, Hall 4 and North Entrance
Rheinlanddamm 200
44139 Dortmund
Tickets can be purchased here.