Flash career at Animal Inc.!
The beastly good card game Animal Poker will be published at HeidelBAER Games in winter 2021: it is now available for pre-order in our shop and retail store. With its animal protagonists, Animal Poker comes with completely fresh artwork of the main characters.
Thanks to the selection of animals and their sophisticated presentation, these create a great atmosphere, especially when it comes to advancement or relegation in the company. Now you won’t go from dishwasher to millionaire, but from intern to CEO. To make it easier to get started with the new card game, the rules are very simple and easy to understand.
Your task in Animal Poker: get rid of your cards as early as possible. First, the players change their seating positions. The CEO always remains in place. The others must change seats, so that their positions are in order of their ranking. Now the hard workplace reality kicks in: Superiors must give their worst (lowest) cards to subordinates and they get the best (highest) cards in return. The active player must play exactly the same amount of cards as the starting player, lay only cards of the same number and lay only cards of a higher number than the cards of the previous player. As soon as only one player has cards left in their hand, the session ends and this player must take the trainee job. At the beginning of the game, players decide how long they approximately want to play, so Animal Poker is also suitable for a quick or long game. For even more fun with Animal Poker, a new variant is included in the rules!
Animal Poker is for 2-8 players from 12 years and up, developed by the HeidelBAER Games team. It takes 20 minutes to an hour to play and will be released this winter. It contains 115 cards and appears in the box size of the successful card games SPICY, COYOTE and Co. The price will be around 15 euros.
More information about Animal Poker