Where the “Wild” Bears Are

HeidelBÄR Games has set up camp in the pedestrian zone of Miltenberg, Germany near the beautiful Main river, only a 45-minute drive away from Frankfurt.

Von Sven Teschke (1964– )Beschreibungdeutscher FotografGeburtsdatum23. September 1964GeburtsortHanau (Deutschland)WirkungsdatenSeit 1985WirkungsstätteBüdingen/ Wikimedia Commons, CC BY-SA 3.0 de, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=10322971
View from the Main bridge over the old town of Miltenberg.

Our studio is placed just a few feet away from the restaurant “Zum Riesen,” which is said to be the oldest guest house in Germany. The medieval castle is within walking distance and the local brewery is just a stone’s throw away. So, a visit to the more than 700-year-old town is well worth it. 😉

Anyone who isn’t lucky enough to visit us in person can at least go on a virtual tour: 3D-view of Miltenbergs Pedestrian Zone.