New How to play for Mü and more online
You can now watch our new How to play Mü & more Video on Youtube or here:
Mü & more is released in Europe (German, English) and will also be released soon in US (we will come back to you, when we can announce a date). It’s a trick-taking game that is played over several games in alternating teams and offers unique game elements.
Before each game, you reveal some of the cards in your hand. Whoever shows the most leads one of the opposing teams of crown and shield and determines the trumps that beat all other suits. The crown player then chooses a partner and the actual trick-taking game can begin!
As soon as all the tricks have been taken, everyone receives personal points and whoever was on the winning team gets a big bonus on top!
In collaboration with Doris and Frank, we have once again put an extra portion of time and love into the popular Mü & more, whereby the gameplay has remained largely unchanged. (Never touch a running system!)
The biggest innovations are the newly added markers, which replace the previous scoring table and offer more clarity, as well as the elimination of the stalemate situation.
However, if you want, you can still play according to the Classic Mü rules with the new cards.