Onlineshop live and to ship internationally
The HeidelBÄR-Onlineshop opened its doors for the first time three months ago and has been continuously expanded and improved ever since – now it has survived its trial period. If you’re looking for games from us, HeidelBÄR Games, or the companies whose German-speaking partners we are, you’ve come to the right place: with Czech Games Edition (German Versions), Horrible Guild (German Versions) and MeBo Games, we offer you a wide selection of titles in German and English for all tastes, ages, levels of difficulty and playing time. You always have access to our complete range of goods available! In addition to us, we also recommend your local friendly brick and mortar store. Check them out, many of them deliver games themselves these days or have started similar services.
Nonetheless the HeidelBÄR and his friends like to pack packets of games for you to play: you can get our brand new games and spring hits Decipher, Spicy, or the international version of Carrossel in our online shop! In addition, all games displayed on the English site of our homepage – if already released – can be purchased directly from our HeidelBÄR-Onlineshop.
In addition to the absolute novelties you will of course also find the games Wordsmith, A LA CARTE, Gifttrap, VOLT, as well as PORTO and Arraial! The corresponding rules (and those of all older game titles) can also be found on the corresponding game page under Downloads. Just scroll down 😉. For all those who can’t get enough of word games, there is also the game block of Wordsmith on the pages for printing.