HeidelBAER Games

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Tails on Fire

Tails on Fire is an interactive card game in which the ever-changing selection of the best three playing cards for a round leads to...
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Time Division

No one knew when it began, but suddenly two timelines merged. And two time agencies came into being. One thing is clear: both agencies...
Publisher Info

Want to play with your English speaking friends? These games are all in English language available. You can get them in our onlineshop ! But don’t forget to check your friendly local flagship FLGS store near you, too! You are also welcome to redirect your FLGS to our global distribution partners, you can find on this website too.

Note: Distribution for Germany, Switzerland and Austria into retail by Heidelberger Spieleverlag (www.heidelberger-spieleverlag.de) only! Check respective publisher accordingly for distribution in your territory.



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